
Interpretation | Translation | Cultural guidance
Communicative support specializing in Japanese, Dutch, and English










Sekreve JP-NL Support brings Japan and the Netherlands closer together.

Interpretation services
Sekreve JP-NL Support offers interpretation services in the languages Japanese, Dutch, and English. My specialty lies in bridging Dutch and Japanese parties. When both parties can freely express themselves in their mother tongue, a smooth and clear way of communication is stimulated. As I possess the knowledge of the language and culture of both groups respectively, I am able to create a pleasant ambience in which everyone feels that they are being heard and understood thoroughly.

As an interpreter, I mostly practice consecutive interpretation - I convey translated versions of spoken utterances to the receiving party before they respond. Simultaneous interpretation, in which I interpret in the same time frame as the speaker, is also one of the options, but in that case additional preparation time may be necessary. The type of interpretation can be adjusted to whatever the situation requires.

My services as Japanese interpreter are available in e.g. the following situations: 

  • In-person meetings between Japanese and Dutch/English speaking parties, either business or informal.
  • Online meetings that involve one or more Japanese parties which would require a remote interpreter.
  • Moving to the Netherlands as a Japanese person (or vice versa) and needing assistance caused by a language and/or cultural barrier.

Of course, Sekreve JP-NL Support also offers other interpretation services for other situations.

Are you looking for a Japanese-Dutch-English interpreter? Do you have questions about how my services can help support your goals? Please contact me. More information on my method of operating can be found under General Services.